Sunday 20 March 2011

My best Poem till date...!!!!

By Way of Humor

(Disclaimer : The following poem is of 100 lines. yeah u read it correctly, a 100 lined one..!! Reading it might prove dangerous to your serious nature and u may begin to smile which may end into laughter. The poet is not responsible for any changes caused henceforth)

How Pleasant to know Master Shah!
Who has read such volumes of stuff;
He likes to eat Chinese, Punjabi and Pizza.
He does not have a dislike altogether for Sandwich and Puff.

He was born with a smile on his face,
And spectacles on his eyes;
Those were his happy days,
While eating curry and Rice.

His hair are curly,
Which he soaked before diving in a brook;
Some think him to be unfair and surly,
While others just think him to be a crook!

His eyes are deep and black,
While his head is like a fountain;
His face has not a single crack,
His body resembles a mountain!

He attached spectacles to his eyes,
Through which he could hardly see;
Instead of people he saw mice,
Who were chasing a honey-bee!

He once tied a bell,
To a ferocious-looking cat;
The reason was a secret he could never tell,
That he was inspired by a rat!

He once went to school,
Riding on an Angry Bull;
He dived in a swimming pool,
Which was empty and not a bit full!

During his school days he used to be naughty,
But always escaped the punishment somehow;
He never liked people who were haughty,
And ponders over the matter now.

His features are not very sharp,
His memory is neither good;
He loved to play on his harp,
Sometimes even forgetting to eat his food.

His ambition is to become a Doctor, A Detective & a Scientist,
With a Stethoscope, A magnifying Glass, & a Microscope;
He always, on seeing his ambition's list,
Works with a renewed hope.

He would love to learn French;
Though he already knows three languages;
In the school he stands on the bench,
But never likes to touch his school books' pages!

He forgets everything he tries to remember,
So he is going to transplant his mind;
He knows that he was born in December,
But the date, from his memory, he cannot find!

Now and then he would sneeze,
In the winter he would be attacked by cold;
In the summer he would freeze!
And would like to have his fever sold!

He lives in a house so small,
Which is a Two Bedroom Flat;
Through the door he can hardly crawl,
But most of his food is eaten by Rats!

He had a unique hereditary disease,
For which, to his Doctor, he enquired;
But paying the Doctor's fees,
Was a task for which he Perspired!

He lived in a Country so renowned,
For its art, tradition and culture,
The people of his country never frowned,
But they all worshipped the vulture.

He wishes to participate in lottery,
And win all the prizes;
And go to Switzerland for a Spree,
In the morning when the Sun rises.

He has many friends and foes,
Snowy is the name of his dog,
He loved to play with bows and arrows,
Only during the Morning Fog.

He likes books to read,
Sooner or later he will be installing a library;
From Nancy Drew to Blyton Enid,
So He'll be asking his boss to increase his salary.

He collects insects and pests,
And keeps them in boxes;
In the evening he always rests,
In a dense forest with tigers and foxes!

In his sixties, when he received his pension,
There was not a single hair on his head!
He was relieved from his tension,
When, from his garden, he dug out Gold and Lead!

He has written the Poem ' BY WAY OF HUMOR',
Which is a short-long poem about him;
To avoid being a victim of tumor,
He daily goes to the gym.

At the end of his pilgrimage on Earth, he saw a rave,
Who was a relative of the Crow;
And asked him the way to Heaven,
The Bird told him all he could know.

Such is the life of Master Shah!
Who is going to die;
He died without eating his Pizza,
But thanks to the Raven! He went to heaven eating an Apple-Pie!


The above description may be false or true,
Or maybe a series of the poet's appreciation;
To decide the correct depends on you!
No matter you originate from whichever nation.